Nutritional experts seem to disagree a lot about the ideal human diet. After many years of study and after attending many conferences on human nutrition, I settled on metabolic typing, which argues that different people have different ideal diets, mostly decided by their metabolic type. Some people also have sensitivities or allergies, although with improvement and rebalancing of their system, many times they can thrive on foods which they previously did not tolerate. I spent a 4 week medical elective with Nicholas Gonzalez, M.D., studying his approach to metabolic typing. It emphasizes whole, unprocessed, raw foods, as much as possible, which is something almost all the nutrition experts do agree on. However, some people's metabolic types are more suited to animal products, including pastured, grass fed meat, poultry, and dairy. Other people do best with minimal animal products, although they will still thrive on some eggs, yogurt, seafood, and small amounts of poultry. Others are somewhere in the middle, as "balanced" types. Below is a link to an interview with Nicholas Gonzalez about his approach, which includes discussion of his use of pancreatic enzymes as well as metabolic types.